Pizza Buddy - Frozen Pizza Dough Review

Walmart’s Pizza Buddy 16oz Dough Review

I could eat Pizza every single day but I still can’t remember to prep for the pizza by making my own pizza dough. This is why I love Walmart’s Pizza Buddy 16oz dough. Our local Walmart is only 15 minutes away and we normally drive by every day so its very convenient to drop in there to get the Pizza Buddy dough, they usually have them frozen and sometimes you can find some defrosted. Depending on how quick you want to make pizza you can choose which one works best for you.

I know the “Pizza Gurus” are rolling in their grave right now because we aren’t using their nonnas 10000 year old dough recipe and making it from scratch, it must be horrible pizza. Now that I got that disclaimer out the way =) Please try the pizza dough before you become a harsh critic about it. We are so quick to judge something because we are thought something as young chickens and then as adults we think it can only be one way or no way at all. If you watch my Only Pizza Fan YouTube Channel, 90% of the pizzas I bake are with Walmart’s Pizza Buddy 16oz dough in Walmart’s Expert Grill 15″ Pizza Oven.

Step 1 – My portable pizza oven is the Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal Pizza oven. I like to split the 16oz Pizza Buddy dough into halfissh, I don’t really use a scale since I can’t find it anytime I actually need it haha. So I just guess, usually one is always smaller but that is fine.

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7 –

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Step 13

Step 14

Step 15

Step 16

Step 17 – The 6 Pizzas baked with the Expert Grill 15″ Pizza Oven. The images are sorted in the same way they came out the oven. Some had too much heat, some just had the perfect amount. Its a challenge keeping the fire consistent while also running inside to stretch the dough and get it ready for pizza toppings.

Walmarts Pizza Oven Review

Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal Pizza Making Videos

I try to record every pizza I bake in the Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal pizza oven so I can go back and see how my pizzas are progressing with the pizza oven. You will see in some of the videos below that the pizza will bake in 2 minutes and other times it can go past 5 minutes.

This all depends on how much wood I had in the fire basket. There are times when I forget to check the basket before going inside to prep the next pizza. When I get back outside the flame is out and it can take a few minutes for the fire to start up. The pizza still cooks all the way but just takes longer. Now I try to remember to add fresh wood logs into the fire basket before I go inside to make the next pizza. This will give the wood time to light up and have a nice flame going over the pizza as it bakes.

Purchase Expert Grill 15" Pizza Oven

I started using charcoal, lump charcoal, combination of charcoal and fire logs but right now I use only hickory mini logs that I purchase from Walmart. I pre-heat the Expert Grill 15″ Pizza oven for at least 45 minutes to give the pizza stone time to heat up.

Videos Showing How to use the Expert Grill 15″ Pizza Oven

If you own the Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal Pizza Oven or have questions about it, please share your comments below.

Tequila and Pizza

Pizzas Baked in the Expert Grill 15” Charcoal Pizza Oven

I have been using the Expert Grill 15” charcoal pizza oven from Walmart since August of 2022. I will try to keep this page updated with new pictures of pizzas I bake in this portable pizza oven. You will notice some come out almost looking perfect and the others could use some help.

Walmarts Affordable Outdoor Pizza Oven

It can be time consuming keeping the fire going in the oven and also try to making pizzas at the same time but that is also the fun part of it. I was thinking of getting a propane pizza oven but for now I think I will stick with the fire logs. I’m mostly using hickory logs from Walmart since they have a decent deal on it and it’s only 15 minutes away.

The pizza gallery below is some recent pizzas I baked in the Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal pizza oven.

The pizza gallery below shows some of the pizzas I was baking in the summer and winter in the portable outdoor pizza oven. They all come out different depending on the fuel source I was using, how long I pre-heated the pizza stone and how much flame I had in the oven before putting in the pizza. I normally bake 4 to 6 pizzas when using the oven. The first one usually comes out the best since the stone was the hottest. Then as I cook more pizzas with the lid open, the stone losses heat quickly. I usually try to wait 10-15 minutes before baking the next pizza to make sure the pizza stone has a chance to heat up.

Purchase Expert Grill 15" Pizza Oven

You can purchase this outdoor portable pizza oven by clicking the image below. It will take you to Walmart using my affiliate tracking id. Walmart will pay me like .50 cents for you using my link. All the spare changes goes to the pizza and dough fund =). Thank you for the support.

If you have any questions or feedback on the Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal pizza oven. Please share in the comments section below.

Expert Grill Pizza Oven Review

Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal Pizza Oven Review

I purchased the Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal Pizza oven from Walmart back in August 2022 for $137. I walked back and forth in the Walmart maybe 10 times debating myself if I should grab it. They had another pizza/grill oven for $250 but I wasn’t ready to risk that kind of money on a pizza oven I wasn’t sure if I would use more than 2 times. The Expert Grill pizza oven priced at $137 I was willing to risk it for that price. This was my first outdoor portable pizza oven. The box says Charcoal but right now I’m just using Hickory wood logs that I also purchase at Walmart. I did try charcoal, lump charcoal but I think the wood chunks work the best in my opinion.

Purchase Expert Grill 15" Pizza Oven

I’m not sure how long this pizza oven will last me but I have made probably close to 300 or more pizzas using the expert grill pizza oven. I like to warm up the oven for at least 45 minutes before baking the first pizza. Since I”m taking the time to pre-heat it. I don’t want to just bake 1 pizza so we usually bake 4 to 6 mini pizza pies and try to experiment with different pizza toppings.

Below is a YouTube video of pizzas I was making when I first got the Expert Grill 15″ pizza oven.

Pictures of Pizzas baked in the Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal Pizza Oven

Here are some recent pizza making videos I did in April of 2023.

Making Pizza with the Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal Pizza Oven

What are the Best Portable Pizza Ovens?

There are several portable pizza ovens on the market that are highly rated by consumers. Some of the best portable pizza ovens include:

Ooni Koda: This portable gas-powered pizza oven can reach temperatures up to 932°F and cook a pizza in just 60 seconds. It’s lightweight and easy to use, making it a great option for outdoor cooking.

Camp Chef Italia Artisan Pizza Oven: This portable pizza oven runs on propane and can reach temperatures up to 700°F. It’s designed specifically for outdoor use and has a built-in thermometer for precise temperature control.

Roccbox Portable Pizza Oven: This portable pizza oven can reach temperatures up to 932°F and cook a pizza in as little as 90 seconds. It runs on either wood or gas, making it a versatile option for outdoor cooking.

Bakerstone Pizza Oven Box: This portable pizza oven runs on gas and can reach temperatures up to 750°F. It’s designed to be used on a gas grill and has a built-in thermometer for precise temperature control.

When choosing a portable pizza oven, it’s important to consider factors such as cooking time, temperature range, fuel source, and portability. It may also be helpful to read reviews from other users to get a sense of the oven’s performance and ease of use.

You may also consider the alternative more affordable starter pizza oven that Walmart released this past summer. Their Expert Grill 15″ Charcoal Pizza Oven is on sale now for $97. Click the image below to purchase from Walmart.

How To Use Expert Grill Charcoal Pizza Oven

After a few months of use, I’ve learned what not to do and how to use Expert Grill charcoal pizza oven. First, the pizza oven is easy to use and pretty lightweight if you remove the stone. So far, it has taken a lot of abuse from me and the fires I create. There is some paint chipping at the back of the oven, where you make the fire. This is probably from me accidentally throwing fuel on the metal and catching it on fire. Besides that, the stove still looks good, and the handle did not melt or fall apart.

Tips on How to Use Expert Grill Pizza Oven

After assembling the pizza oven, you want to clean it up and start your fire. I start my fires with charcoal and then build them up with a few small wood slices. I also left the charcoal outside in the rain a few times and used only wood to build a fire. No matter what you use, the fire will get hot and heat the oven. The highest temperature we’ve reached is 800F but we don’t want it hotter than 700F.

I like to cook my pizzas in the Expert Grill charcoal pizza oven once it reaches 600-700F. One thing I quickly learned is that the stone needs to get hot. While the oven temperature can promptly reach 700F, the stone requires a little more time to heat. Give the oven a good 15-20 minutes to heat up, making sure to keep loading the back with charcoal or wood. So while you work on slicing your veggies and prepping your dough, have someone else mend the fire.

After heating the pizza oven for 15-20 minutes or more, depending on your fire, you can place your pizza. Make sure that your pizza dough bottom doesn’t have too much flour. This will burn your pizza stone and won’t cook the bottom of the pizza either. Plus, who wants flour on their pizza?

After placing your pizza in the charcoal pizza oven, let it be for 30 seconds. If your fire is too hot, push the pizza towards the front so it doesn’t catch fire. Every 30 seconds or so, spin the pizza 1/4 way. Your pizza should be done to perfection in 2-3 minutes. Again, this depends on your oven temperature, pizza dough thickness, and the toppings you’ve added.

Once the pizza is done, place it on a surface where it can breathe from the bottom. We use a steel pizza pan screen, which we got for under $5 at Walmart. We’ve used it to make pizza in the electric oven, which helps cook the pizza more evenly. Give the pizza a minute or so to rest, cut it and enjoy it!

How NOT to Use Expert Pizza Oven

Some basic things not to do with your pizza oven are:

Placing the pizza in too soon – While no one likes to wait, you need to have patience and wait for the pizza oven to heat up. The pizza oven needs to heat up, and the pizza stone also needs time to retain the heat. A cold pizza stone will not cook your pizza from the bottom. Instead of perfectly cooked pizza, you can end up with raw dough and a white, soggy bottom.

Turning your pizza too soon – If you want to see that pizza dough rise and fill up with air, let it be. Leave the pizza dough to rise for at least 20-30 seconds before turning it. Turning the pizza too soon can prevent it from growing fully for an airy pizza. Instead, your pizza dough might end up chewier and dense.

You don’t need to close the pizza door – The pizza oven door comes off and should stay off when you’re cooking the pizza. It will release heat when you do this, but your pizza will be OK for two minutes. It will also make it easier to see the pizza rise and brown when you need to turn it.

Check your charcoal basket often– When it comes to charcoal pizza ovens or wood-burning pizza ovens, you need to ensure the fire keeps going. If the fire dies, the oven temperature will drop fast, and your pizza will not rise or cook evenly.

Best Veggie Pizza Toppings

Is there such a thing as the best veggie pizza toppings? Meh! But if you love vegetables or want to incorporate more veggies into your diet, adding them to your pizza sound like a good idea. While you can add any vegetable to a pizza pie, some don’t belong. Peas, for example, should not be put on a pizza. Peas and carrots on a pizza? Eww, who are you? Unless you make an empanada pizza, I don’t want to see peas and carrots on your pie.

If you want to spruce up your pizza, use toppings such as:

  • Mushrooms
  •  Peppers
  •  Olives
  •  Onions
  •  Zucchini
  •  Squash
  •  Eggplant
  •  Spinach
  •  Potatoes
  •  Broccoli
  •  Arugula
  •  Romain lettuce

If you add arugula or Romain lettuce to your pizza, do it at the end, when the pizza is finished. I love a good chicken Caesar slice or two. It makes me feel like I’m tricking my eyes into thinking I’m eating something healthy.

When it comes to choosing the best veggie pizza toppings, it all depends on your preferences. If you don’t love them, don’t add them. But you should be open-minded and try at least one veggie pie once in a blue moon. Slowly, I’m getting my veggie-hater to try a bite or two. He ever tried pineapple and sausage pizza! 

If you’re thinking broccoli, no way. Give it a shot! What about a mac and cheese pizza with broccoli? Or just broccoli and cheddar cheese! Maybe grill or sauté the broccoli first. I love Alfredo pasta with chicken and broccoli so why not make a pizza with those toppings as well. If eggplant parmesan is your jam, add it to your pizza! Have you tried spinach dip? How about a creamy spinach dip pie! Why not?

While nothing beats a nice plain cheese pie, adding a veggie or two once in a while wouldn’t hurt.

Cookies and Berries Pizza

When you think of pizza, I’m sure you never think ‘cookies and berries pizza would be good about now’. Well, you should! In our house, every pizza night ends with dessert pizza. While some people refuse to try or make a dessert pizza, we embrace it. I prefer pizza that is not too sweet while he prefers his dessert pizzas as sweet as they can get. We compromise by creating half pies and using what we have on hand.

Nutella pizza is great and all but cookies and berries pizza is something else! If you’ve never had berries with your warm, fresh out-of-the-oven cookies, you’re missing out! Now add pizza crust to the mix and a cold glass of your favorite milk and bam! Bedtime couldn’t be any sweeter after that.

Nutella and berries pizza taste great but it can be overly too sweet for me. I want to enjoy my dessert and eat as much of it as I can. If it’s too sweet, the dessert is ruined for me. My favorite dessert that the pizza chef in this house makes are Oreo and berries balls. He uses pizza dough to wrap the Oreos and berries in, then bakes them. Anyway, if you love chocolate chip cookies and berries, you need to make yourself this berries and cookies pizza!

Best Pizza Subscriptions to Try

Today you can get a monthly delivery on almost anything, including pizza subscriptions. There are a number of different monthly pizza delivery options that will make your mouth water and your taste buds tingle with excitement. October is the perfect month to try some of these delicious pizza delivery options. Actually, any time of the year is the perfect time to try new and different pizzas!

Amazing Clubs – Pizza of the Month Club

If you love Chicago deep-dish pizza, this Amazing Clubs pizza subscription is for you. You can choose from three, six or 12 months deliveries. Every delivery includes three different deep-dish pies made from fresh, high quality ingredients. Each hand-tossed pizza is flash-frozen so it’s still fresh and delicious when it’s delivered to your home.

GoldBelly Pizza Subscription

For this subscription you can choose either three or six months of pizza delivery. Each delivery includes one pizza that can feed four people. In our household a large New York style pie feeds two pizza lovers only.  GoldBelly pizzas are not just deep-dish. They include a variety of pizza styles, toppings, and sauces.

Talia di Napoli Taste of Talia

If you want a little variety of handmade sourdough pies that bringyou back to italy, give this a try. With this pizza purchase you can get two Margherita pies, two Mozzarella pies, two Tartufina, One Four Cheese & One Provolina pizza. These eight pies will cost you $117 plus shipping. You can shop for all of their different pizzas here.

Brick n Fire Pizza Company Pizza Subscription

If you want at least five pizzas in your box delivery, you need to check this subscription out. Brick n Fire offers monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly pizza subscriptions. You can choose half (five) or full box (10) options, full of their samples or your own preferences.

Lou Malnati’s Taste of Chicago

Another deep-dish pizza subscription you can try is Lou Malnati’s.They have been shipping their pizzas since 1987! Unlike other subscriptions, this one is customizable. You can choose the number of pizzas you want and the type of pizza. From veggies to sausage to crustless or variety, you choose what you want delivered. Their deep-dish pies feed two people.

Daily Harvest Flatbreads

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Right now you’re screaming “flatbread is not pizza” but give it a try. When I first tried flatbread pizza I was pleasantly surprised. It was delicious and I was able to eat it all, and enjoy other appetizers. My favorite would have to be pesto flatbread pizza with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes. Daily Harvest doesn’t do simple stuff like that. All of their pizza is gluten and dairy free and made from pure, simple and seasonal ingredients. For the subscription, you have to choose from either 9, 14, or 24 items and then select the flatbreads you want. Each flatbread pizza comes to around $10.

So far, I have not tried any of the above pizza subscriptions, have you? Which one would you like to try? Remember, October is National Pizza Month. Getting a pizza subscription for a month is a great way to celebrate it. 

Right Way to Eat Pizza

Is there really a wrong and right way to eat pizza? If you’re visiting America from Europe, you might be appalled by our food sizes and how we choose to eat our pies. As Americans, we get shocked when we see people choosing to eat their pizzas with forks and knives. What’s up with that?

The first time I went to a restaurant in Europe with my aunt and cousins, I ordered pizza. My cousin also ordered pizza and I thought it was weird. Why would we not share one large cheese pie? Well, there were no large cheese pie options. What you have is a personalized pie with an olive in the center, and ketchup squirted all over it for design, I guess? And of course you get your silverware to eat it with. After being shocked at how thin and white the pizza was, I proceeded to try and eat it. I grabbed one slice with my hand and ate it in three bites. My aunt and cousins were horrified! They asked me what I was doing and to stop! I need to use my fork and knife. As a New Yorker, I found this funny and weird. I laughed and continued to eat my pizza with my hands, embarrassing my family.

Was it good? Yes. Was it the best pizza I ever had? Not even close, but it was different. Did I try to use the fork and knife? Eventually, but it didn’t last too long. If you’re coming from America to Europe, would you use a knife and fork to eat pizza? If you don’t, some people might think of you as uncultured and uncivilized.

How to Eat Pizza the Right Way

According to the world, or something like that, the right way to eat pizza is to use a fork and knife. You should start from the center triangle part and eat your way towards the crust. Eating pizza with a fork and knife will help you eat slower, chew your food, and enjoy the pizza more. It will also allow the pizza to cool off better and not fall over your face or burn your mouth.

I feel like for personal pies, Neapolitan pies and deep dish pizza, using a fork and knife will help you eat the pizza. Especially if you are in Europe. If your pizza has a lot of toppings and soft cheese, the fork will help you grab a little bit of everything in one bite. But if you ordered a large New York cheese pie, then baby use your hands! Grab the slice, maybe fold it in half or flip the triangle half towards the crust! This way the cheese won’t burn your mouth. This also helps the cheese stay on the slice, especially if it’s a piping hot slice!

Do you think that there is a wrong and right way to eat pizza? Do you have a special way of eating pizza or just rely on your hands and mouth to do the work? As long as you eat pizza during National Pizza Month, I don’t care if you use a fork or your hands.